Remedial Massage Adelaide: Remedial Massage Services


Remedial massage helps ease muscle tension. Tightened muscles cause discomfort and limit mobility, so therapeutic massage helps physically relax the body by raising body temperature to loosen muscle fibres and ease their tightness.

Remedial massage services Adelaide employs assessments and tests to pinpoint which muscle groups are causing discomfort or postural dysfunction, then create a personalised treatment plan tailored specifically for their clients.

Increases Blood Circulation

Remedial massage helps increase circulation and decrease inflammation, providing fresh oxygen and nutrients for tissue repair. Remedial massage also stimulates natural killer cells that attack invaders while encouraging lymphatic drainage for elimination of toxins. Furthermore, remedial massage increases white blood cell count while simultaneously decreasing cortisol and producing endorphins that boost your mood and happiness levels.

Your remedial massage therapist will evaluate your health history, posture, and movement to gain an understanding of what is causing pain or postural dysfunction. They then use their skills to identify and treat any muscles causing difficulty and help you recover from injuries quickly.

Research indicates that massage can significantly improve blood circulation, due to reduced muscle tension, improved heart control via nervous system regulation and an increase in tissue flexibility. As massage increases muscle and tissue elasticity while simultaneously breaking down adhesions.

Relieves Tension

Remedial massage stimulates muscles to release endorphins, natural painkillers produced by their own bodies that relieve tension and calms nervous systems thereby decreasing cortisol levels associated with high blood pressure, thus increasing circulation, which promotes healthy vascular function, as well as encouraging production of mood-enhancing hormones. This in turn increases relaxation, relieving tension, calming nervous systems, lowering cortisol levels associated with high blood pressure and decreasing cortisol levels which has been associated with high blood pressure. Consequently, increased circulation, improved vascular function as well as production of mood-boosting hormones.

Remedial massage services Adelaide can also be effective at increasing tissue elasticity, when the therapist employs various techniques that create friction against the skin, break down adhesions and stretch or elongate fibres. This increase in tissue elasticity decreases injury risks while improving muscle movement.

Before the remedial massage treatment begins, your therapist will discuss any health concerns or problems you are experiencing as well as conduct range of motion and joint tests to gain a better understanding of your condition and design an individualised massage treatment plan specifically tailored for you. Some clients may require frequent sessions while others can benefit from just one or two followed by self-care programs at home.

Reduces Stress

Remedial massage uses various techniques to promote physical and mental relaxation. Physical relaxation increases muscle flexibility while decreasing pain levels; mental relaxation enhances feelings of calmness and happiness while decreasing levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone which increases pain levels.

Remedial massage also breaks down adhesions between soft tissues caused by injury, overuse or tension, helping repair injured areas by breaking up fibrous formations that form. Remedial massage allows soft tissues to move more freely.

Remedial massage also balances the length, tone and tension of muscles and tendons to improve flexibility and joint mobility, reduce pain and swelling and expedite healing injuries faster. PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching is another effective partner-assisted method that has proven superior to conventional muscle stretching alone.

Eases Headaches and Migraines

Remedial massage services Adelaide can provide relief for headaches and migraines caused by tension in the neck or head. Remedial massage also increases circulation, soothes inflammation and releases mood-enhancing hormones into the body – leading to less migraine attacks overall and shorter migraine/headache sessions.

Your remedial massage therapist will start the session off by asking about your health history in order to gain a greater understanding of symptoms and conditions, running range-of-motion tests to assess joint mobility, as well as pain tests on any relevant joints or range of motion tests to measure discomfort levels.

At a remedial massage session, they will use techniques such as myofascial release and deep tissue to release tight muscles. Furthermore, their hands will massage the head and shoulders to ease any tension or pain; cervical mobilisation may be used to ease neck area tension; they may recommend some stretches at home; plus, they’ll discuss various treatment options with their benefits to help make a decision that’s right for you.