5 things to know when starting a construction company


Starting your own construction company is incredibly exciting, but it is also a bit scary. Don’t worry, the feeling that you are constantly forgetting something is common among all those starting any business.

Normally you will have remembered the most important things without even realising it, but just in case we are here to help.

Here are some of the key things that some people forget when starting a construction company.

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Make a plan

If you are reading this article you are clearly putting plenty of thought into the formation of your construction company.

A business plan is the key to construction industry success, establishing your goals and how you intend to reach them.

What are your legal obligations?

When starting a construction business from scratch it can be easy to get bogged down in thinking about what you are going to do differently that will help you to stand out in the sector.

This is important, but you also need to be aware of the standard things that every business in the industry needs to do to meet their legal obligations.

Permits, licences, insurance. Maybe not the most interesting things but certainly things that will quickly end your business before it has ever truly taken off in the first place.

Health and safety

Failing to take health and safety seriously can have dire consequences not only for the future of your business but, most importantly for the safety and well-being of the staff that you are now responsible for.

There are many health and safety risks that come from working on a construction site, from operating heavy machinery and vehicles to constructing and using scaffolding.


You know that your knowledge, skills, and experience make you the perfect person to handle construction projects, but does your target market know that.

Starting a business is all about selling yourself and you need an effective marketing strategy to help you do just that. A strong online and offline brand is a good place to start but remember you will need to set some budget aside for this purpose.


If you have already worked in the construction industry for many years, and if you are considering starting your own business you probably have, you might think you know pretty much everything you need to about the day-to-day operations of a site.

However, it is often the hidden details that you don’t even notice when engrossed in a project that catch people out when they first start their own company.

One of these is security. Sure, you know all about scanning your ID card in the morning and you’ve sent the fencing around the site keeping out the bad guys, but you probably haven’t put any thought into it apart from that. As a construction site manager you will be responsible for the safety of your team and will need to build an effective security plan from scratch. Construction site security systems can be pretty complicated things