Month: February 2022

Seating And Spacing In Restaurant Interior DesignSeating And Spacing In Restaurant Interior Design

seating spacing restaurant

The interior design of a restaurant is just as important as the location, menus, and prices. In fact, the type of experience one gets there can make or break a dining experience.

A restaurant’s interior should dictate how guests move about and feel when they’re inside. Some of the most crucial considerations in a good design are seating arrangements and spacing, lighting levels, colors on walls and furniture, flooring material (comfortable level for waiters to navigate with food), silverware holders (flow of movement from dishwasher to tables), décor thoughts on wall art or paintings that match theme/cuisine etc. All these elements combined will generate an atmosphere that has a positive impact on customers.

For example, an inviting place that leaves room for eye contact between guests and servers can make a difference in how quickly table service is delivered. And aside from that, the tables should be properly spread so there will be enough space for everybody to move around.

Read more as we’re going to tackle seating and spacing in restaurant interior design in today’s post.

How To Balance Seating And Spacing In Such A Way That Will Complement The Interior Design Of The Restaurant?

When it comes to restaurant interior design, one of the most overlooked aspects to consider is how to space out the seating. If chairs and tables are too close together, it can be uncomfortable for guests and make it difficult for them to move around. On the other hand, if there’s too much space between seats, it can make the restaurant feel cold and uninviting. So, what’s the perfect balance?

It’s all about creating an experience. To be specific, seating and spacing should be spaced out to allow guests to move around but still enjoy their meal comfortably.

When it comes to seating arrangements, there are two main factors that designers consider: circulation and public space. Circulation refers to how easy it is for guests to move around the restaurant and public space refers to each guest’s own feeling of privacy. This can be affected by everything from chairs, tables and countertops to lighting and walls. For example, certain materials can make the dining area feel smaller. Potted plants are great for bringing nature into your restaurant interior design but they can also be used to help separate different seating areas.

Although there’s no one right answer when it comes to seating and spacing in restaurants, a good rule of thumb is to leave enough room so that guests can comfortably sit down without feeling cramped or having to squeeze past other people. You also want to make sure there’s enough space for people to get up and move around without being in other people’s way.

When it comes to spacing out seating arrangements, many experts recommend that you keep seats about 12 inches apart from each other. This allows for enough space for guests to sit down comfortably and move around without feeling cramped.

Additionally, experts recommend that restaurant tables be spaced at least 36 inches apart from each other. This allows for enough space around the table so guests can comfortably get in and out of their seats.

Moreover, it should be noted that seating should also follow a basic “rule of two.” In other words, there should always be an even number of seats on both sides of a table or across from each other at the bar. This is so that there’s no one stuck without a seat in the middle of a row.

Other Things To Keep In Mind

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there are a few other things to consider when properly spacing out the seating arrangement in your restaurant establishment:

The height of the chairs – If the chairs are too high or too low, it can be uncomfortable for guests;

The size of the tables – If the tables are too large or too small, it can make the restaurant feel cramped or empty;

The type of cuisine being served – If you’re serving Italian food, for example, you’ll want to have more space between tables so that guests can spread out their dishes;

The type of décor in the restaurant – Depending on your theme, you may want to have different types of seating arrangements (e.g., a communal table in the center of the restaurant);

The wait time between courses – If you’re serving multiple courses, consider spacing out your seating arrangements so that guests don’t end up sitting by themselves for too long.


Overall, there are no hard and fast rules about the seating and spacing in restaurant interior design. However, making sure there’s enough room for people to stretch out their arms or to sit at different tables without interrupting their neighbors is an important part of the restaurant interior. If you’re looking for an experienced interior designer in UK, you can click on this link to learn more.